Monday, February 7, 2011

World of Warcraft

Anyone play WoW? I've racked up 1000's of hours on that game over the span of 4 years, and most of the time it's actually been pretty fun. Over the last two years I've been in two really cool guilds and in WotLK we cleared all the content (except for 25man heroic LK...). I was getting really excited for Cataclysm, ready to start the cycle all over again...

But now I'm not so sure. I used to raid three days a week, four hours per night. That's 12 hours a week pretty much set in stone for me. Being a college student, I'm not so sure I can dedicate that time anymore. I either have homework I need to do or I would rather hang out with my friends in the evenings.

And yet... It was fun to play with my guild and trivially kill pixel bosses and feel accomplished. It's also a fun game when you've got real-life friends who play as well, which I do.

I don't know, I am conflicted. Maybe, if I manage my time better in the coming weeks, I'll return.


  1. You should utilise your time better.
    Set aside 2 hours for this, and 3 hours for that, set up a timetable and try to stick to it, then you'll know how much 'spare' time you actually have :)

  2. i do play, like my name sys it already.

  3. I play, I have an 85 frost mage and an 85 resto druid. I don't do any PVE though, I could never see the point of spending hours upon hours downing bosses that do the same thing every time. I'm a PVP nerd :D

  4. I played for a little bit because my ex girlfriend really wanted me to try it. Sadly I couldn't get into the game and after we broke up I quit playing it. Needless to say i'm just not into questing and taking the time to get the levels needed. But hey thats just how I was, if you enjoy it, then do what you enjoy lol.

  5. Hah I'm just like yourself. I used to log so many hours myself.

  6. I did play WoW for a bit but I broke my arm, suspended my account and never got back into it again.

  7. Nope, never got really into this game. Looks fun though.

  8. im slowly stopping but due to the fact that rift is being released soon and cata is boring me to death.

  9. I've never played thinking about it though

  10. ive never played but a most of my friends do and it seems fun.

  11. I played wow for the past few years as well, I can't say I've done much pve though. I primarily stick to arenas, but I've done my fair share (11/12 hc icc25 and 12/12 normal cata content).
